Monday, September 29, 2008

Wing Ding 29 - Billings Montana - July 3-7, 2007

Since getting our bikes, we've learned a number of new skills in order to improve and do maintainence. One of the things we've learned is how to do some automotive painting. We repainted Sam's bike and he wanted to see the reaction at the Wing Ding in Billings. I had been interested in taking a longer ride, so the goal worked out great.

When we got to Malad, ID, while refueling, Sam's bike tipped into the pump and broke the windshield. Luckily, the TRA member in Rigby had a used windshield we could install with some minor modification.

We rode up through Yellowstone National Park. This is us at Old Faithful!!

We stopped to get pics by the park sign. You have to have proof.

We left the park through the NE gate and passed through the Lamar Valley. There is a large herd of Buffalo that call this area home. We had to stay alert has we went through.

It was a great experience to take this trip. We drove over to the Billings Temple but it was closed during the time we were there so we couldn't attend.

The sad part of the trip was when Vivian and Jake had their little boy Xander (Alexander) born while we were gone. It had to happen Viv!